Come and Visit Awu Mt. 2011

Indonesia is archipelago country with many beautiful beaches and mountens. Sangihe is great island with 4th mounting around the land and with a big underwater volcanos. Awu Mt. Remaining about magmatic siklus wich is control the island to grow and feed the people with rich nutrision from mineral.

Take 5.2 km from Tahuna port to start point. Climb will takes 2-3 hours from level 308m asl to 1275m asl. Nothing much at this time because strong rain and wind from west affect our journey with a good view. Leeches more attractive when rain coming, for who ussualy not like this animal becomes disgusting.

We past a 8 post for break because its has 40°-60° slope, with difficult climbs and gonna be worse when down.

We past a 8 post for break because its has 40°-60° slope, with difficult climbs and gonna be worse when down.
When you reach 1000m asl, find a beautiful places like nice park streches along mountineside, with grass and trees. Take your time and feel another dimension andesite rocks laying down make track.

When we up there its a beautiful scenery, recent intrusion trought old stratovolcano, makes new contribution for island to the next generation. The eruption or exploded at 1931, showing acid magma at that time, on 2004 eruption start again and makes solfatar-fumarole acid gashes, now in 2011 could be active again because tectonic in Sangihe trought commonly happens in many time.

Easy to climb, happy hiking its our motto to take away from jobs and get off the fat. Enjoy yours for another fun, dont forget bring camera and bring memories from Tahuna.
