Binebase Indonesia

I'm work in here, the beautiful place with extraordinary wheater and dazling of sea foam. This should be a last chance to have time in sea, have swimming, take wonderful picture before back to work and first time for fasting at Ramadhan.

Its always amazing theme with sky when afternoon and block by clouds, make illumination for blue sky

Seastar like patrick-spongebob friend- rarely found on beach maybe they wont what i want to, get break for while

Binebase sea, its one of the best spot in Sangihe Island. Still have a good coral and reef, with fish always swimming around, i already like before i jump to seawater and take picture.

I only grab a chances to get relax and have some fun, not much to do but, we should back to camp. Because next day gonna be rush for big programes. Our ship ready to bring our back, with hope for have another excelent day and jumpes to another sea.

Binebase; July, 31st 2011
