Halmahera Gold Mining Exploration

It's my new rock now. I'll still walking in the jungle, jumped up between rock at the stream and falling many chips when I swing my pick point at the side.

This places was mapped a long times a go when I was prelimentary schools, I was put green short pants and white collar clothes went Muhammadiyah school in Bekasi, West Java. it's 1992 by many geos from Aussie and continues with Pak Dadan and Pak Joko, and many of them I dont know.

NHM has 2 open PIT and they closed and trough to underground, I still catch up with the idea of epithermal low system like Pongkor when I was there's.

I hope the jumps or walking while raining or discuss with the guys about interests area will bring me to another dreams of my life way.

I already going to 4 weeks now, and many thing happend, like take a picture by Pak Budi MS at the Tobobo River (only for entertaiment will shows the pictures), also playing many sports activity like tennis too. Been great days with the guys, many thanks.
